AI In War: Can Advanced Military Technologies Be Tamed Before It’s Too Late?

By U Cast Studios
January 17, 2024

AI In War: Can Advanced Military Technologies Be Tamed Before It’s Too Late
Image by dvoinik via Adobe Stock

For nearly 14 years, Israeli operatives had targeted Iran’s top nuclear scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, who oversaw a clandestine program to build a nuclear warhead. On November 27, 2020, in a move that stunned the world, Israeli intelligence officials assassinated the scientist. Fakhrizadeh and his wife had left the Caspian coast and were traveling in a convoy of four cars towards their family home in the Iranian countryside. As they approached a U-turn, a cascade of bullets shattered their windshield and struck Fakhrizadeh repeatedly.

This article was written by Steven Feldstein and originally published by The Bulletin Of The Atomic Scientists

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