Amazing Facts & Trivia (24th Edition)

By Chris Carnicelli
June 6, 2023

Amazing Facts & Trivia (24th Edition)
Image Courtesy Of Louis Hansel On Unsplash


  1. Whenever actor Kevin Bacon goes to a wedding, he bribes the DJ not to play the song Footloose!
  2. Casinos are designed to avoid having people turn at a 90 degree angle.
  3. Fashion designer Coco Chanel was a spy for the Nazi party during WW2.
  4. Adding seaweed to a cow’s diet reduces their methane output.
  5. People with anxiety, depression, or insomnia get a better night’s sleep using a weighted blanket.
  6. Singer Rhianna has her own holiday…. in Barbados, her home country!
  7. All watermelons have an even number of stripes on them.
  8. A cocoanut is a nut, fruit, and a seed.
  9. The SR-71 Blackbird stealth plane isn’t painted black. It’s painted indigo blue.
  10. Comedian newscaster John Stewart once was a winning soccer player at William & Mary College
  11. In the early 1900’s, celery was considered a delicacy.
  12. Presidential hopeful Robert Kennedy had 11 children and 35 grandchildren.

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