Amazing Facts & Trivia (25th Edition)

By Chris Carnicelli
August 2, 2023

Amazing Facts & Trivia (25th Edition)
Image Courtesy Of Geranimo On Unsplash

Here are some AMAZING FACTS & TRIVIA to impress your friends

  1. The Mongols used to catapult plague-filled bodies into their enemies camps.
  2. Sable Island in Nova Scotia had 70,000 trees planted there by the Canadian gov. One survived.
  3. Elephants can hear storm clouds approaching.
  4. The rock called Pudding Stone is so named because it resembles Figgy Pudding.
  5. In 1870, Victoria Woodhall was the first woman POTUS candidate.
  6. Alligators on land gallop like a horse when chasing their prey.
  7. The Romans had the first newspaper in 59 B.C.! It was called the Daily Doings.
  8. There’s only one species of mushroom that grows underwater.
  9. The lethal poison arsenic is sometimes used in the treatment of leukemia.
  10. In 1896, free admission was charged to watch two trains crash head-on in Texas.
  11. The pop artist Prince recorded an album under the name of Camille in 1987.
  12. In Japan there are Maid Cafés where servers cosplay as your wife as bring you food!

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