Here Are Some AMAZING FACTS & TRIVIA (Fifth Edition)

By Chris Carnicelli
July 25, 2020

  1. All those sweaters worn by Mr. Rogers on his TV show? They were knitted by his mother!
  2. 90% of all American paper currency has trace amounts of cocaine on it. Yuck!
  3. If The Simpsons is the longest-running cartoon series on TV, what is #2? It’s the kids’ cartoon show, Arthur, with 21 seasons.
  4. The songwriting team of Styne & Cahn wrote the Christmas jingle, “Let it Snow”, during the hottest day in July of 1945.
  5. The clock on your microwave uses more power than it does to cook your food.
  6. Pedro Lascuráin Paredes served as the 34th President of Mexico for less than an hour before he was overthrown.
  7. The famous Egyptian ruler Cleopatra wasn’t Egyptian. She was from Greece.
  8. In 2015 a pigeon was arrested in India for being a Pakistan spy and held in custody. I’m not kidding!
  9. What was the first-ever televised male interracial kiss? It was Bill Murray and Walter Peyton on SNL!
  10. In Sebastapol, Ca. it’s a crime to use a nuclear weapon in town. Sentence? Six months in jail!
  11. Wolfang Amadeus Mozart composed a complete opera in three hours while being hungover from a previous night’s drunken party.
  12. In the movie, The Godfather, that cat on Marlon Brando’s lap was stray kitty he found on the set and took a liking to.

……and now you’re a little bit smarter!

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