Is The Spread Of Regional Denuclearization Dead? Or A Path Toward Eventual Disarmament?

By U Cast Studios
February 28, 2024

Is The Spread Of Regional Denuclearization Dead? Or A Path Toward Eventual Disarmament?
Illustration by F. Diaz-Maurin.

Nuclear-weapon-free zones have been a staple of nonproliferation efforts since the mid-1950s. Over the past 60 years, eight denuclearized regions have been created that are recognized by international law: Three for the desolate landscapes of Antarctica, outer space, and the seabed, and five for the heavily populated areas of Latin America (the first such zone, in 1967), the South Pacific, Africa, Southeast Asia, and Central Asia. All together, these agreements cover roughly 120 countries, most of the southern hemisphere, and close to two billion people.

This article was written by Ryan A. Musto and originally published by The Bulletin Of The Atomic Scientists.

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