It All Started With A Heart Of Gratitude!

By U Cast Studios
November 20, 2023

It All Started With A Heart Of Gratitude!
Image Courtesy Of Grace Brethren Schools

Grace Elementary 6th grader, Mia Wright, began her annual event called OPERATION THANK BLUE 4 years ago.  She had a desire in her heart to thank our local law enforcement so she decided to invite them over to her family’s home for homemade cookies and coffee. To add an element of fun and competition, she challenged them to a pull ups and push ups competition.  Attending officers reported in an @Simivalleypd Instagram post that Mia “usually wins (we’re bringing even more muscle next year!).” Since that first invitation, the gathering has grown and grown.  Local officers look forward to attending Mia’s annual event, which is scheduled again for December 26, 2023, and have expressed their appreciation and gratitude to Mia and her family for their kindness and respect for police officers.  In a personal letter to Mia from Simi Valley Chief of Police, Charles Steven Shorts, the chief praised her saying, “It takes courage and empathy to see beyond the headlines and understand the difficult and often dangerous situations the officers face daily.”

Mia was invited to speak at the CHP graduation in front of 600 people, speaking alongside the Commissioner and the Secretary of State.  She also spoke at the Los Angeles Sheriff’s graduation which had over 1,000 attendees.  She has spoken at the National Night out in Simi Valley and has been featured in an article published in The Simi Valley Acorn.  The Simi Valley Chief of Police has visited Mia at her home to personally thank her for her community work. Chief Shorts’ letter of thanks to Mia states, “Your support does not go unnoticed, and I want you to know that it is appreciated more than you can imagine. It’s young people like you, Mia, who give us hope for a brighter future, and inspire us to keep working hard for our community.”

It is not difficult to understand Mia’s parents’ overwhelming pride for Mia’s big heart, especially when she inspires and encourages a room full of men and women whom she refers to as her “Blue Family.”  Quoting Jesus from Matthew 5:9, Mia tells the officers, “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.”  Referring to the officers as champions, she expresses that she respects them, values them and that she cannot live in the world without them.  It is heartwarming and good to hear these words from a child. It is especially encouraging to see a Grace student take what she is learning and begin to apply it in her own life and in the community. Hopefully we see many more “MIAS” from Grace, speaking truth so eloquently and making a difference in our community. To God be the glory.

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