“Longevity Science Caucus” Formed By US Politicians

By U Cast Studios
March 22, 2023

"Longevity Science Caucus" Formed By US Politicians
Image Courtesy Of Future Timeline

Two U.S. congressmen have announced the formation of a bipartisan Congressional Caucus for Longevity Science.

Gus Bilirakis (R-FL) and Paul Tonko (D-NY) will co-chair the newly formed “Longevity Science Caucus”, which aims to increase funding for research and development in aging and longevity biotechnology, streamline regulations, and promote initiatives to increase the healthy average lifespan of Americans.

This article was originally published by Future Timeline.

The caucus will bring together a diverse group of lawmakers from both political parties to tackle a number of pressing issues. Along with Bilirakis and Tonko, Representatives Dan Crenshaw (R-TX), Michael Burgess (R-TX) and Anna Eshoo (D-CA) are founding members of the caucus.

The formation of the Longevity Science Caucus is a clear sign that U.S. politicians are now taking this subject seriously and recognising the long-term potential of age-related treatments, which could bring enormous benefits to both public health and the economy. It could be a major step towards ensuring that the latest advancements in research are made accessible to all. By working together, this bipartisan group of lawmakers hope to accelerate the rollout of new technologies aimed at extending healthy lifespan and improving the quality of life for older Americans.

“With life expectancy in the United States at its lowest in decades, we in Congress need to come together to address this decline and support science and research that will enable people to live fuller and healthier lives,” said Tonko. “We’re doing just that with the Longevity Caucus. I am grateful for the partnership of Congressman Bilirakis in leading this caucus and look forward to working in strong bipartisan fashion to help improve our quality and longevity of life – particularly in the fight against neurodegenerative diseases with aging as the greatest risk factor.”

“Increasing life expectancy and promoting positive health outcomes are important priorities, and the formation of this caucus is an important step toward achieving those goals,” said Bilirakis. “I believe in promoting individual responsibility and supporting innovation in pursuit of scientific discoveries that will enable Americans to live happier and longer lives. I am honoured to co-chair this bipartisan effort with my colleague, Congressman Tonko.”

The Alliance for Longevity Initiatives (A4LI) – a non-profit that works with healthcare leaders and experts in aging – will now be collaborating closely with members of this caucus to achieve its goals.

“The Longevity Science Caucus will serve as a forum for discussions, idea generation, and policy proposals to develop innovative strategies that promote healthy aging and extend healthy human lifespans,” said an A4LI spokesperson. “A4LI is proud to have led this historic effort and we are confident that the Longevity Science Caucus will make a significant impact on the future of health and wellness for all Americans. We look forward to collaborating with the co-chairs and members of the Caucus to achieve this goal.”

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