Name Of AI App Used For Creating Images Of Trump And The Pope

By U Cast Studios
April 18, 2023

Name Of AI App Used For Creating Images Of Trump And The Pope
Source: Midjourney (Via Forbes)

Recently, you may have heard the name of an AI app that was used to create fake images of ex-President Donald Trump and Pope Francis wearing. These images were created by Midjourney, an AI image generator.

This article was written by Jike Eric and originally published by Insider Paper.

Midjourney: The name of AI app used to create fake images of Trump and Pope

The AI image generator has stopped offering free trials due to an overwhelming demand and abuse of trials, according to its CEO David Holz

Prior to the shutdown, the app’s fake images, which were so realistic that they tricked some users into thinking they were real, went viral on social media.

One popular image, which showed Pope Francis wearing a white puffer coat, was shared millions of times and prompted Twitter to add a note clarifying that the image was fake.

The previous week, images of Donald Trump being apprehended by police officers emerged online amidst speculation of his possible indictment, garnering significant attention. But these pictures were later revealed to be computer-generated and produced with the help of Midjourney.

Midjourney was founded by David Holz in July 2022, is an AI-powered image generator similar to OpenAI’s DALL-E. It has been utilized to create AI-generated images of notable figures such as Twitter CEO Elon Musk and President Vladimir Putin in the past.

Midjourney currently provides three subscription options as of Wednesday, with a basic plan available for $10 per month, while the standard and pro plans come with monthly fees of $30 and $60 respectively, according to the official website.

With AI-generated images getting more and more sophisticated, professional photographers are raising concerns about the difficulty in distinguishing them from real photos.

Photographers express concerns about the impact of AI-generated images on reality

Adam Khan, a photographer based in the UK, has voiced his concerns regarding the impact of AI-generated images on the line between reality and fiction.

“These images, created by machine learning algorithms, can be incredibly realistic, blurring the line between reality and fiction,” he told Insider.

Los Angeles-based professional photographer Presley Ann agrees that Midjourney’s decision to disable free trials was necessary “until there are protections put into place.”

“I don’t think laws have caught up with how harmful AI can be,” Ann said. “As things progress, it can even become an issue for people’s livelihood.”

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