The Fed Expects 6 Rate Hikes By The End Of 2023 – I Don’t And You Shouldn’t Either

By U Cast Studios
December 17, 2021

The Fed Expects 6 Rate Hikes By End Of 2023 I Dont And You Shouldnt Either
Dot Plot of Expected Rate Hikes December 2021

Look Ahead Dot Plot December 2021

Along with today’s wimpy tapering announcement comes more Projection Material from the Fed including a Dot Plot of expected rate hikes.

This article was originally published by Mish Talk.

Fed participants expect 3 rate hikes in 2022, 3 more in 2023, and still more in 2024.

Fade This Consensus!

I confidently make the same statement that I make after all these absurd projections.

Dot plot 2017-12-13

Dot Plot 2018-09-26

Dot Plot 2018-12-19

Dot Plot Fantasyland

Dot Plot of Rate Expectations 2019-09

Clown Acts

I am curious as to which Fed clown predicted a 4.75% Fed Funds rate for 2020. Another predicted 4%.

In today’s clown act, five FOMC participants actually believe that in 2024 the Fed will hike all the way to 2.75% to 3.25%.

Such predictions are amazing in light of what they would do to interest on national debt.

I am unconvinced the Fed gets in any hikes in 2022 and certainly not 6 by the end of 2023.

Amazing Underlying Assumptions

These ridiculous predictions assume there will not be another recession in “the longer run”.

I am confident there will be another recession by 2024.

Admittedly, I am typically a early in my recession calls. But these clowns never see them and Ben Bernanke denied a major one we were already in.

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