Time Is Running Out

By U Cast Studios
December 28, 2021

Time Is Running Out

If you’re 18-40 years old and you’re a match, your donation can save Ayden’s life!

If you’re above 40 or aren’t a match for the bone marrow transplant but want to help Ayden, you can donate blood to him. Ayden has A+ blood type, so compatible donors can have A+, A-, O+, or O- blood types.

Simi Valley, CA – At two years old, Ayden Denne was diagnosed with Philadelphia chromosome-positive Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (Ph+ALL). He completed three years of intense treatment and was starting to live like a normal five-year-old when Ayden’s parents received the terrible news that his cancer had returned to his brain and spinal fluid. A bone marrow transplant is needed urgently to save Ayden’s life. The Simi Valley Rotary Club, business leaders, community members, and supporters from all walks of life have been working tirelessly to spread the word that they need 18-40 year-olds to get tested to see if they’re a match for Ayden – they call themselves Team Ayden. Sadly, it’s extremely difficult to find a perfect match, making it imperative to have as many people as possible get tested right away!

If you are not in the age range to get tested to be a bone marrow match you may consider donating blood. Ayden needs blood and platelets on a somewhat regular basis. Blood supplies are extremely low everywhere due to Covid. Ayden’s blood type is A+ with compatible donors being A+, A-, O+, or O-. You can call to set up an appointment at 323-361-2441 or online at CHLAdonateblood.org. If you want your donation to go directly to Ayden, please use his full name and DOB (Ayden Denne 3/20/16). If you do not want to go to Children’s Hospital in LA, you can donate locally at any event and help save others with your generous donation.

Thank you so much for caring!!

What can you do?

Get tested to be a match. The test is simple, just a quick swab inside the mouth. All adults 18-40 years old are a candidate, however, anyone can help by sharing this plea with friends, family, coworkers, faith groups, and on social media. Ayden’s family has taken to social media to provide links and updates.


See below:

Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/Match-for-Ayden-100718879131725/

Match For Ayden on BeTheMatch.com

Text MATCHFORAYDEN to 61474.

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