Tis The Season For Planning

By U Cast Studios
December 17, 2020

Tis The Season For Planning
Image Courtesy Of Pixabay

Thinking about your business plans for 2021?

Today is the season for planning. Calendars on store shelves give us a valuable hint:

Time to Plan! Is it business as usual? No. However, we adapt, change, and move-on.

Here are three ideas to think about:



What will your messaging look like for the first 3 months of 2021? I like the idea of having a message of Thankfulness, hope, and optimism. How will you accomplish this? Do you have a different message planned? How will you communicate it? Customers are noticing messaging now more than ever. My veterinarian recently changed its communications. Now, they thank me every time I interact with the office. I’m thanked by text, email, and snail-mail. It makes me feel like they care. And, I’ve become a loyal customer.


Can you do more by leveraging technology? Have you explored social media scheduling programs? According to Social Media Marketing expert, Cyndie Heap, social media scheduling platforms such as “Buffer” give entrepreneurs fabulous value and save lots of time. Additionally, email marketing programs such as Constant Contact continue to be a strong way to follow-up with prospects and stay Top-Of-Mind with clients. Constant Contact has scheduling functions as well for email blasts and social media integration. Planning saves lots of time. Efficiency is another advantage of utilizing an email marketing program. A business can schedule staff around when the email goes out and more calls or texts come in.


Why not take a “Mastermind” approach to your business planning? One Mastermind group I contribute to discusses year-end planning. Task one is to re-analyze YOUR customer’s expectations. This helps you develop current and future blue-print for future services, products, and communications.

Be sure to write all your business plans down on a month-to-month planning calendar.  Remember to include all events, promotions, advertisements, and communication deadlines. Writing it down helps your plans come to life! After you write it down, 2021 will be partially organized. Won’t that feel great?


Now is the perfect time to fine-tune your business and get ready for a prosperous 2021!

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