To Find A Place To Store Spent Nuclear Fuel, Congress Needs To Stop Trying To Revive Yucca Mountain

By U Cast Studios
May 7, 2024

To Find A Place To Store Spent Nuclear Fuel, Congress Needs To Stop Trying To Revive Yucca Mountain
Image Courtesy Of Flickr And The Bulletin Of Atomic Scientists

A recent congressional hearing strangely resembled the film Groundhog Day. The hearing—titled “American Nuclear Energy Expansion: Spent Fuel Policy and Innovation”—not only rekindled a decades-old debate about whether to recycle spent nuclear fuel from reactors; it also provided a platform to relive yet again the fantasy that somehow the US government can resolve all of the political, legal, and technical issues necessary to build a permanent nuclear waste storage facility at Yucca Mountain, Nevada.

This article was written by David Klaus and originally published by The Bulletin Of The Atomic Scientists.

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