We Have Plenty Of Land In The United States. But Can All Of It Support Housing?

By U Cast Studios
October 24, 2022

We Have Plenty Of Land In The United States. But Can All Of It Support Housing?
Image Courtesy Of Strong Town

A recent article from The Wall Street Journal posits that “The U.S. Is Running Short of Land for Housing.” Land values in favorable locations are booming right now, and land owners across the country are, in some cases, making extremely high returns on their long-term holdings—so long as conditions enable their land to support development.

This article was originally published by Strong Towns.

Such opportunities are, according to the article, very limited. The U.S. is filled with a lot of open space, and one might think that means we have plenty of space for housing. But in order to support housing, this author believes that land needs to be positioned in a few different ways.

So, what are the three major requirements, according to The Wall Street Journal, that enable development potential in any given plot of land—and what’s the Strong Towns take on this?

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