Weird & Wacky News (24th Edition)

By Chris Carnicelli
May 17, 2022

Vietnamese blue beauty rat snake
Image Courtesy Of Daniel K. Cheung On Unsplash

From around the corner, down the street, and up your alley, here are some stories that are hitting the headlines… and they’re all TRUE!!

Dateline: Queensland: Australia

Dead men tell some tales. Meet Bill Edgar, aka The Coffin Confessor. Edgar shows up at funerals and speaks for the deceased, telling off family members, setting friends straight, and delivering bad news about beneficiaries. And he gets paid for this! For $2,000 to $10,000, he’ll also remove “questionable” items from the deceased’s home (sex toys, delete browser history, etc.). His services are now in the U.S. and U.K. with Paramount picking up his story for a movie! Hmmm… David Lynch to direct, I suppose?

Dateline: Manitoba, Canada

Here comes Peter Cottontail, and he’s pissed! It was close to Easter, but that didn’t stop a 27-year-old man from trying to commit a robbery! Did he have a gun or pointed stick to use as a weapon? No! This thief was armed with a Mr. Solid brand chocolate Easter bunny which he wielded like a club and used to hit a store employee with. Ouch! The shoplifter escaped but was later found nearby and arrested; the employee suffered only minor injuries. No news on whether the chocolate bunny suffered any permanent damage.

Dateline: Chula Vista, California

There’s a snake in my boot! Reptile expert Alex Trejo and owner of So-Cal Rattlesnake Removal got a frantic call, “There’s a snake in my couch.” Upon investigation, Alex finds not a little gopher snake, but a huge 7-foot-long Vietnamese blue beauty rat snake! Trejo called it a “once in a lifetime snake rescue”. The species is non-venomous, not native to the United States, and was apparently not interested in being captured. But how it got into this guy’s sofa is a mystery.

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