WEIRD & WACKY NEWS!! (First Edition)

By Chris Carnicelli
May 8, 2020

Weird News 1


Portland, Oregon

Ever sue a mouse? Ashreana Scott sued her local Chuck E. Cheese for $1,000 after her hair got tangled for 20 minutes in a machine that counts tickets for prize redemption. Ouch! In the lawsuit, Scott said the incident caused injuries, discomfort, and headaches, and she not only wants a jury trial, but also a sign posted near the machine to warn others. The manager at the restaurant declined to comment on the lawsuit but said the machines already have warning signs.


Settecani, Italy

Residents of this small little village were startled when their kitchen and bathroom taps began dispensing red wine rather than water! No, it wasn’t a modern-day miracle, it was a plumbing issue. Locals quickly identified the wine as Lambrusco Grasparossa, which is produced at a nearby winery. Officials quickly found a leak that sent wine from a nearby silo into the water pipes. Some quick-thinking residents bottled as much of the tap wine as they could before the problem was resolved.


Dawson Creek, British Columbia

Keith Redl was more than a little annoyed when his 8-year-old grandson won a raffle. It turned out to be $200 worth of cannabis products and accessories! Chocolate edibles, vanilla pot chai, a bong, plus other ‘products.’ During the fundraiser for youth hockey, the boy’s father gave him $10 worth of tickets to bid on whatever prizes he liked, and the kid thought he was bidding on just chocolate. “My grandson thought he had won a great prize, but when I told him he couldn’t have any of it, he got mad.”

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