Weird & Wacky News (The 22nd Edition)

By Chris Carnicelli
March 16, 2022

Weird & Wacky News (The 22nd Edition)
Image Courtesy Of Milena Trifonova On Unsplash

From around the corner, down the street, and up your alley, here are some stories that are hitting the headlines… and they’re all TRUE!!

Dateline: Paterna, Spain

CSI: doggie poo? A woman was hit with a hefty $570 fine for not picking up her dog’s poop while she visited Benalmadena. She wondered how the authorities knew it was her dog. Turns out, ADN Canino is a Spanish company that maintains a database of canine DNA and works with authorities all over the country. The woman, in this case, once registered her pet with ADN in case he was ever lost. Authorities in Benalmadena took samples of the poop and matched her dog. Hmmm… I wonder if Gil Grissom knows about this!

Dateline: Belfast, Northern Ireland

Is Jigsaw John back? A couple left their home one day, just like normal, but when they came home through their back gate into the garden they saw… a concrete slab painted with a creepy clown face propped against the wall! The clown was holding a lighted candle, and on the reverse, a Bible verse that read: “Let your light shine. Matthew 5:16.” They contacted friends, neighbors, and family members to see if it was a prank, but no one else had experienced anything similar. They threw the clown away, but remain creeped out.

Dateline: Yerkwood, Alabama

A new reality show on Fox-TV? 20-year-old Xavier Long has discovered a way of profiting from human jealousy and insecurity. Suspicious partners pay Long to flirt with their loved ones on social media as a loyalty test, and Long rakes in the big bucks! In one week alone, he made over $2,000. Long said he receives about 100 requests for help every day and charges a minimum of $10. “I’m helping people, so I feel like it’s a good thing in a way,” Long said. “Doing these tests has allowed me to stop working a 9-to-5 job.” Dude, get a life!

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