Weird & Wacky News (Third Edition)

By Chris Carnicelli
June 11, 2020

Robotic Dog

Dateline: Malappurram, India
May 2020

I will not eat them, Sam Am I! A.K. Shihabudheen of India and his wife cracked open an egg from one of their chickens and were surprised to see a dark green yolk rather than the standard yellow. Out of the six chicks which hatched from these eggs, a few had started to lay eggs with green yolks in color. “The eggs taste like other eggs and cause no health problems”, the family said. Experts from Kerala Veterinary and Animal Sciences University suspect the feed given to the birds may be behind the phenomenon. The Cat in the Hat was unavailable for comment.

Dateline: Massachusetts
May 2020

Does he poop batteries? Massachusetts-based Boston Dynamics has partnered with robotics company Rocos to develop a robotic dog called Spot to herd sheep. “The age of autonomous robots is upon us,” Rocos chief executive David Inggs said. The dog can be controlled remotely as it guides sheep through mountainous and difficult terrain. “It just needs to walk with intent toward the sheep and they respond.” In other words, they act just like sheep.

Dateline: Hong Kong
May 2020

I’ll have the handcuff ripple, too! An ice cream shop in Hong Kong is offering (are you ready for this?) tear-gas flavored ice cream! The shop’s owner explained he wanted “to make a flavor that reminds people that they still have to persist in the protest movement and not lose their passion.” Customer Anita Wong said, “It tastes like tear gas. It feels difficult to breathe at first, and it’s really pungent and irritating. It makes me want to drink a lot of water immediately.” The store is selling 20 to 30 scoops per day. Yikes!

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