Why Cheap Drones Pose A Significant Chemical Terrorism Threat

By U Cast Studios
November 21, 2023

Why Cheap Drones Pose A Significant Chemical Terrorism Threat
Image Courtesy Of Macesanu On Unsplash

Earlier this year, police in the United Kingdom arrested Mohammad Al-Bared for building a drone designed for the Islamic State, the terrorist group that once held vast territory in Iraq and Syria. The 3D-printed drone was designed to deliver chemical weapons or explosives, and a search of Al-Bared’s home turned up notebooks with chemical equations and “recipes for chemical weapons,” unrelated, according to authorities, to his studies as a doctoral student in mechanical engineering. Al-Bared had developed a plan involving a “spoof company” to ferry his weapon, undetected, into a war zone.

This article was written by Zachary Killenborn and originally published by The Bulletin Of The Atomic Scientists.

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