Why Does Your Company Need Cloud Computing Security?

By U Cast Studios
April 21, 2022

Why Does Your Company Need Cloud Computing Security?
Image Courtesy Of John Schnobrich On Unsplash

Also known as cloud computing security, cloud security is a computer/network/information security sub-domain representing various policies, technologies, controls, and apps that people use to secure virtualized IP, data, services, and apps.

This article was written by Saman Iqbal and originally published by Insider Paper.

Cloud computing security has evolved over the years, giving rise to cloud security providers and platforms known as Security-as-a-service. They work as a subscription which lowers the cost of security for companies.

Regardless of the size, any company with at least a part of its workflow running online should invest in computing security. Businesses that deal with customers online need to invest in it because they have a legal obligation to protect their clients and their data.

Depending on businesses’ type, size, and budget, they can use:

  • A private cloud that is restricted only to their business.
  • A public cloud that is run and managed by a third party.
  • A hybrid cloud, which is a blend of public and private cloud.

Some of the benefits of cloud computing security include:

Protects Against Security Breaches

Data breaches are among the most expensive errors in businesses. Recent research shows that the average data breach cost is $3.86 million. There are many ways that cyber attackers could attack your network, hijack information, or hijack the whole system.

If you are using a hybrid or public cloud, ensure that you have a team of highly trained employees to help strengthen the chain between your cloud provider and your business.


Customers will love and trust your business more if they can easily and securely access your data, apps, and projects.

Quicker Response Time

Hackers try to attack different websites throughout the day. Therefore, if you notice a threat on your network, you should act immediately. The longer you take to identify and neutralize it, the greater the damage it will cause.

Having an automated cloud computing security system ensures you are alert and gives you a faster response time.

Security Centralization and Easy Management

The cloud-based infrastructure allows you to centralize your apps, data, and projects. In the same way, cloud security will enable you to centralize their protection, which helps with:

  • Traffic analysis and filtering improvement.
  • Fewer software and policy updates.
  • Streamlined network monitoring.
  • Highly customizable and scalable security services.

Managing Remote Work

One of the best things about using cloud computing is that it makes your data easily accessible to your employees anytime, regardless of where they are. It also makes remote monitoring and managing work more effortless and enables you to hire employees from different parts of the world. This was mainly useful during the Covis-19 period when people couldn’t go to the office.

Regulation Compliance

Data protection guidelines like GDPR have strict security requirements you must comply with. The regulations are made public to ensure that businesses protect their clients’ data and integrity.

If you don’t comply with the regulations and anything happens causing a loss or breach of clients’ data, you could face a lawsuit or a fine of up to $21 million.

Disaster Recovery

Apart from cyber-attacks, you might face disasters like fires or floods that destroy all your computers and the information you have on them. If you have a competent cloud computing security manager, they will make it possible for you to recover the data.

To ensure you have the highest level of security in your network, you should work with the best security service providers like Zscaler Cloud Protection. They will help eliminate any security misconfigurations and gaps, secure your network, and maintain its operational simplicity.

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