I Read It On The Internet

Amazing Facts & Trivia (26th Edition)

Here are some AMAZING FACTS & TRIVIA to impress your friends and dazzle your enemies!!

  1. Vending machines kill four times more people each year than sharks.
  2. Butterflies taste with their feet.
  3. Koala bear fingerprints are so similar to humans they’ve been confused at crime scenes.
  4. The inventor of the Pringles can is buried in one. I kid you not!
  5. The average human walks the equivalent of five times around the Earth in their life.
  6. There’s a murder of crows and a mob of kangaroos.
  7. Y’know that blue Twitter bird logo on your app? It has a name. It’s Larry.
  8. A rhino’s horn is made of keratin; the same material as our hair and fingernails.
  9. Indonesia has a volcano that spews blue lava due to the high sulfur count.
  10. East of New Zealand in the Pacific Ocean is the Spacecraft Cemetery for crashed spacecraft.
  11. A single lightning bolt can cook 100K pieces of toast.
  12. You can’t breathe and swallow at the same time. (you’re trying it right now, aren’t you?)
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